20 10, 2021

Team Sports


There is something incredibly healthy about being part of a team.  A player is not on the court for her own glory, she is there to help the team succeed.  This is a model that carries over into other facets of life.  We are responsible for how our actions affect those around us...

Team Sports2021-10-27T22:09:04+00:00
30 08, 2020

Foreign Language


I have had many students ask me the same question over the years: “Why do we have to take a foreign language?” Said a different way, they ask, “Why doesn’t everyone just learn English?” My answer is always the same: “Je ne comprends pas,” or, “no comprendo,” or “Ich verstehe nicht.”

Foreign Language2020-08-30T22:57:04+00:00
30 08, 2020

Feed The Wolf


The inauguration of President Obama has been dominating news coverage and rightfully so. It represents an historic milestone for our country. I was watching coverage of the morning after prayer service.

Feed The Wolf2020-08-30T22:55:23+00:00
30 08, 2020

Fortunately Unfortunately


Many of us are afraid of change. We assume that even if things aren’t exactly perfect now, they can always get worse. Remy Charlip wrote a children’s book called, “Fortunately.” Here’s how it starts: “Fortunately, Ned was invited to a surprise party.

Fortunately Unfortunately2020-08-30T22:51:52+00:00
30 08, 2020

Forgiveness (D&C)


I read a very interesting and moving article in Saturday’s Democrat and Chronicle. It was on the front page and told the story of a man and a woman, he 51, she 48, who had not had any contact in nearly 34 years.

Forgiveness (D&C)2020-08-30T22:47:49+00:00
30 08, 2020



As middle school students you are beginning the most important battle of your life, a battle that will literally last for the rest of your life. You should not expect to fight the battle perfectly, but you need to spot when you’re off the trail and get back on.

22 08, 2020



I remember when I was the age of my students, my father’s parents came to live with us for a period of time. I remember asking my grandfather how he was doing. He used to say to me, “I’ve got my health and when you’ve got your health you’ve got just about everything.”

22 08, 2020

Self Esteem


One of the most popular words in education and in psychology is self-esteem. Sometimes I hesitate to use it because it is used so often. But, the truth is that self esteem is the most important goal we can have for ourselves, our friends and our family members.

Self Esteem2020-08-22T20:27:03+00:00
22 08, 2020

Spring Poems


The last week or two, with their heavy rains and warmer breezes have truly reminded us that winter is gone and spring is gaining on us every day. I thought it would be nice to see what people have said over the years about the magic of Spring.

Spring Poems2020-08-22T20:22:33+00:00
22 08, 2020

Taking Chances


From time to time I think about what we’re doing here at Churchville-Chili Junior High School, no not just seeing our buddies, but learning how to live. Pablo Picasso said it well, “I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

Taking Chances2020-08-22T20:00:17+00:00
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