7 06, 2020

Accepting a Compliment


Today’s words of wisdom were suggested by one of my study halls. The subject came up when I complimented one of the students on what she had done. She, like many people, shrugged off the compliment and wanted me to believe that she bore no special gift and had done nothing outstanding, certainly nothing worth being singled out for.

Accepting a Compliment2020-06-07T20:17:30+00:00
29 05, 2020

Breakfast Club


Welcome back! We are now officially on the home stretch of our school year. This is the fourth quarter and you still have time to finish strong and to feel good about your school year.

Breakfast Club2020-05-29T19:29:12+00:00
27 04, 2020

The Little Prince | Sample Wisdom


If you have ever tried to buy or sell anything on E-Bay, you know that the price is directly related to the uniqueness of the item on sale.  In other words, if you are looking to buy a mint 1968 Chevrolet Corvette and there’s only one available, you are going to pay a lot more than you would for a 1999 Honda, one of 25,000 such vehicles. 

The Little Prince | Sample Wisdom2020-04-28T20:28:46+00:00
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