7 06, 2020

Inevitable Things


There are a few things in life that are inevitable: getting older, getting a job and conflict. Sorry to say, there is no way to avoid conflict. Just when you think things are on an even track, someone will get in your face and bang…conflict.

Inevitable Things2020-06-07T20:41:01+00:00
7 06, 2020

New Year 2006


Happy New Year and welcome back to Churchville-Chili Junior High School! The big question is how many times will you write the date as 2005 before you get used to it being a new year? I hate to say it, but when I dated this message, I wrote 2005.

New Year 20062020-06-07T19:37:50+00:00
7 06, 2020

Election Words


I want to take a couple of minutes this morning to talk about what I’ve learned by running for Monroe County Legislature these past 9 months. For those of you who don’t know, I ran in the 10th district of Pittsford and East Rochester, the area where I live. I didn’t win.

Election Words2020-06-07T19:01:39+00:00
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