It’s nice to have a three day week to start out the school year because the change in schedule from summer takes some adjustment. By next weekend, you’ll probably feel like you’ve been back in school forever. Speaking of summer, I saw a movie this summer from a few years ago. It starred Jennifer Garner and it was called, “13 Going On 30.” My son-in-law called it a “chick flick,” but its lessons are appropriate for girls and boys. Here’s the gist of the movie: a 13 year old girl, through the help of magic wishing powder, is given a glimpse of what her life will be like when she’s 30. Slowly, she realizes she has become a not very nice person. She is selfish, dishonest and immoral. Things simply are not going to work out the way she wants them to in her future. It turns out that she started down the wrong path with a bad decision as a 13 year old. This being Hollywood, she gets the chance to make it right in her real life and there is a happy ending. The point I’m making is that if we took the time to think about where our choices would lead us in the future, we would be a lot more careful in making them now. In the movie, the lead character valued the opinion of the “cool girls” way too much. That gave her the false compass of popularity which lead her astray. Take the time to see what is driving your choices and make sure you’re really choosing to be the person you want to be now an in the future.
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