I heard a good piece of advice the other day. A friend told me, “If you run into three jerks before nine o’clock, check the mirror.” Now, I know there are all sorts of people looking at each other and saying, “{Mr. Nixon has finally lost it.” That may be true, but I stand by my original message: “If you run into three jerks before nine o’clock, check the mirror.” I should just end m words of wisdom now and let you figure it out, but I have a contract and I get paid by the word. So, here’s what that advice is all about. Your peace of mind doesn’t rest with the people you run into, it rests between your ears. If everyone is getting on your nerves, the problem is most likely with your nerves. If everyone around you seems to be acting like a jerk, you will probably find the source of all this jerkiness by looking in the mirror. That may seem a bit harsh to you and unfair, but the good news is that the reverse is also true. If everyone seems particularly nice, you’ll find the reason for that in the same place, looking back at you in the mirror. Every day, take a look at how things are going at the end of first block. If you’ve been meeting a lot of really nice people, you’re on track. If you’ve met three jerks, it’s time to head to the nearest mirror and have a few words with the responsible party.