Words of Wisdom, 4/4/20
I have personally decided to cut back on the amount of news I’m watching on the television these days. It is too fear producing and I am completely powerless over what I’m being shown. I suspect the adults in your household decide what TV is watched in your family. But, even if they want to watch non-stop coverage of the coronavirus, that doesn’t mean you have to. Leave the room; read a book; FaceTime a friend.
You already know what you need to know. The message is clear—Stay away physically from people. When you’re outside, keep 6-8 feet of space between you and the other person. Watching more news isn’t going to change that. It will only make you more anxious.
I did see one positive story on PBS this week. It was about a 13 year-old girl who celebrated her birthday in late March and she was bummed because she couldn’t celebrate her entrance into her teenage years with a party. Her mom and dad put together a display on the front lawn and soon, literally hundreds of cars drove by to wish her a happy birthday. And, wouldn’t you know it, yesterday our next door neighbors did the same thing for their youngest, an 8 year-old girl.
In the midst of the gloom, people are still finding creative ways to show their love. Give it some thought. Maybe you can come up with a way that is uniquely yours to say, “I love you.”
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