About Ted Nixon

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So far Ted Nixon has created 68 blog entries.
7 06, 2020

Pooh Reading Value


Welcome back. I like three day weekends. This one was especially nice for me because I got to visit my 11 week old granddaughter Sidney. It’s nice to be surrounded by baby things. On my way home I heard a story on NPR that said yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of the book, “House at Pooh Corner,” by A. A. Milne.

Pooh Reading Value2020-06-07T20:26:50+00:00
7 06, 2020

Check in The Mirror


I heard a good piece of advice the other day. A friend told me, “If you run into three jerks before nine o’clock, check the mirror.” Now, I know there are all sorts of people looking at each other and saying, “{Mr. Nixon has finally lost it.” That may be true, but I stand by my original message: “If you run into three jerks before nine o’clock, check the mirror.”

Check in The Mirror2020-06-07T20:23:48+00:00
7 06, 2020

Can You Be Counted On?


Are you a person who can be counted on? Is your answer, yes, no or sometimes? It’s a really important quality to be reliable, to be able to be counted on. It means that if your friends are asked what kind of person you are, they’ll be able to say something positive. Write down a description of yourself.

Can You Be Counted On?2020-06-07T20:20:08+00:00
7 06, 2020

Accepting a Compliment


Today’s words of wisdom were suggested by one of my study halls. The subject came up when I complimented one of the students on what she had done. She, like many people, shrugged off the compliment and wanted me to believe that she bore no special gift and had done nothing outstanding, certainly nothing worth being singled out for.

Accepting a Compliment2020-06-07T20:17:30+00:00
7 06, 2020



I remember a joke that asks, “How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb?” The answer: “Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change.” Change is a funny thing. Many people are more afraid of change than they are of staying where they are even if that place is really bad.

7 06, 2020

Spring Fever


Spring fever has officially set in at Churchville-Chili Junior High School. That has both its good and its bad sides. The good is that people generally have more energy in the spring; more daylight seems to transform into higher moods. The bad news is all of the above—more energy and higher moods.

Spring Fever2020-06-07T20:12:20+00:00
7 06, 2020

Handling Anger


When is the last time you were really angry? Can you remember what it felt like I can. My heart rate picked up. My temperature rose. I felt incredibly focused on doing harm to the person I was mad at. Anger is a really strong emotion, but the thing we forget sometimes is that it goes away, in most cases, almost as quickly as it comes.

Handling Anger2020-06-07T20:08:24+00:00
7 06, 2020

Betty Friedan


I have seen a dramatic change in the role of women during my lifetime. My mother and women of her generation were primarily homemakers, mothers and tenders of the family. That certainly was the model in the 1950’s and didn’t really start to change until the early 1960’s when feminist writers broke on to the scene to shatter the status quo.

Betty Friedan2020-06-07T20:05:14+00:00
7 06, 2020



I like birthdays. In a world where people want to point out what separates us, it’s nice to remember the thing we all have in common—we were all born. When I began teaching, I made it a habit of telling my students about the birth stories of my children.

7 06, 2020

A Gratitude Words


The Rolling Stones recorded a song back in the 60’s that went, “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try some times, you just might find, you get what you need.” I interpret that lyric to mean, when you don’t get your way, you better find a way to deal with it

A Gratitude Words2020-06-07T19:56:03+00:00
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