Today is the first day of spring. I know it doesn’t seem much like spring out there today, but this is only the beginning. Three months from now, we’ll be greeting summer, walking out the door and enjoying our personal time of rejuvenation. But now it’s March 20th, cold gray and windy. It’s no coincidence that we celebrate Women’s History Month in March. Women’s History in this country has moved women from bleak hopelessness to the promise of a better day, from the blustery early days of spring to the beauty of an early June day. That journey is obvious when you look at people like Rosa Parks, Mother Teresa and Barbara Jordan. Each served their fellow humans and, in so doing, lifted themselves. You have heard me say from time to time that it is important to take care of yourself, build your own dream and the rest will follow. Then I also say, do good by helping others. To me the two are connected. You will improve your own self-esteem by performing random and organized acts of kindness for other people. The greater your self-esteem, the clearer your dream will be and the easier it will be for you to help others. For some reason, women, throughout history have been more intuitive about this reality. They have led the charge in gray hopeless times, like early spring, knowing that the rains will come; the flowers will bloom; and the dream of a new and better life will be realized.